No Addiction

Concept Explanation

No Addiction

Addictions: It is dependance on or commitment to a habit, practice, or habit- forming substance to the extent that its cessation causes trauma. Generally, when we talk about addiction, we mean the habit of smoking, drinking or taking drugs. An addiction causes health problems. Drinking alcohol reduces mental and physical alertness. And excessive use of alcohol may affect the nervous system and damage the liver. Smoking causes respiratory, heart diseases, and cancer. Chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer and dental problems. Drugs like heroin, cocaine and hashish affect the nervous system.

Causes of drug addiction:

  • High- level sports competition.
  • Prescription drugs
  • Job stress 
  • Physical abuse
  • Financial difficulties
  • Poor self esteem
  • Low cost or easy access to drugs
  • Loneliness.
  • Harmful effects of drugs:

  • A weekend immune system, increasing the risk of illness and infection
  • Heart conditions ranging from abnormal heart rates to heart attacks and collapsed veins and blood vessels infections from injected drugs.
  • Nausea and abominal pain, which can also lead to changes in apetite and weight loss.
  • Increased starin on liver, which puts the person at risk of significant liver damage or liver failure.
  • Seizure,stroke, mental confusion and brain damage.
  • Lung disease and  problem with memory, attention and decision making, which make daily living more difficult.
  • Ways to prevent drug use: 

  • Take time for yourself.
  • Live a healthy, well balanced diet.
  • Learn to cope up with the negative feelings.
  • Spend time with friends and family.
  • Learn to handle peer pressures.
  • Engage in mindfulness activities.
  • Use medicine only as prescribed
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) High- level sports competition is an cause of drug addiction.

    (b) Seizure,stroke, mental confusion and brain damage are the harmful affects of drug addiction.

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) Excessive use of alcohol may affect the nervous system and damage the liver.

    (b) Excessive use of alcohol may affect the digestive system and damage the kidney too.

    (c) Smoking causes respiratory, heart diseases, and cancer.

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Which of the following factors is responsible for the ill health of a person

    Right Option : B
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